Released 2024-12-04
So far only tested with efusA9R2 under WEC2013
0006364: [Ethernet] Add Registry value to adjust RX and TX ring buffer size
0006539: [Ethernet] Remove redundant PHY reset
0004178: [Audio] Audio recording doesn´t work
3 issues View Issues
Released 2024-01-12
WEC7 (240112) so far only tested with NetDCUA9-V1-WEC7
0006070: [ETHMAN] Endless loop of resets while cable unplug-replug
0006038: [Kernel] QBlissA9 does not boot
0006020: [Touch driver] HY461x may not work after touch down while boot process
0005970: [Touch driver] Add optional SW reset for TSC2004
4 issues View Issues
Released 2023-10-27
WEC7 (231019) so far only tested with armStoneA9r3-V2I-WEC7
WEC2013 (231026) so far only tested with EFUSA9R2-V3-W13
0005959: [Kernel] Add all Windows Embedded Compact 2013 Updates up to Wave 8 2023M06
0005929: [Ethernet] Receive DHCP IP after reboot may fail
0005856: [FCR] Error after long run in case BINFS is larger than data partition (FAT/F3S)
0005926: [RTC] Improve writing date and time to RTC registers
0005927: [Kernel] Improve reading date and time from RTC registers
0005930: [Kernel] Check RTC device state while boot
0005482: [Touch driver] Add support for TSC2004 on PicoMODA9 for HW revision 1.20
0003331: [CAN] CAN messages with short time distance may received in non chronologic order
0005963: [Display] Add support for 5V LVDS display (efusA9, efusA9R2 only)
0005958: [Touch driver] Add support for EXC3000 Touch
0005838: [Ethernet] Speed 10Mbps does not work (boards with RTL8211F Phy)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2023-04-06
WEC7 (230405) so far only tested with armStoneA9r4-Fert4B.
0005687: [Kernel] GetTickCount may return inexact values
0005798: [Ethernet] Speed 10Mbps does not work (boards with AR8035 Phy)
0005743: [Audio] Audio driver may not start (NetDCU9 only)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2023-02-02
WEC7 (230125) so far only tested with NetDCUA9-WINCE7.
WEC2013 (230301) so far only tested with armStoneA9r4-V2I-W13.
0005737: [CAN] Add support for armStoneA9r4
0005736: [RTC] Add support for RTC PCF85263A and PCF85063A
0005341: [PWM] PWM IOMUX cfg something wrong
0005691: [Kernel] C2013: Add all updates up to Windows Embedded Compact 2013 - Dez 2022
0005643: [AIN] CreateFile may fail (NetDCUA9 only)
0005644: [Touch driver] Initialisation of touch driver may fail (NetDCUA9 only)
0005591: [Touch driver] PicoMODA9: modify tsc2004/sx865x reg-file using GEBoardRevision, LEBoardRevision
0005580: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add support for invert RTS signal
0005543: [USB device] Virtual COMPort under .NET does not work anymore
0005582: [Ethernet] If ethernet hangs, the Phy should be resetted too.
0005533: [Ethernet] Add VLAN support
0005575: [Touch driver] TchProxy timed out
0005517: [CEDDK] Several IOs on armStoneA9R3 may not work
0005536: [Touch driver] TSC2004 applied reset may be to short so that the driver is not loaded
14 issues View Issues
Released 2022-10-26
So far only tested with armStoneA9r3-WEC7 and armStoneA9r3-V1-W13
0005512: [Audio] Audio not working on armStoneA9R3
0005514: [NI2C] armStoneA9R3: Problems with touch
2 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-08
So far only tested with armStoneA9r3-WEC7
0005470: [Audio] Add Registry entry to divide MClk (sgtl5000 only)
0005466: [Kernel] Add support for armStoneA9R3
0005468: [Audio] Add Registry entry to swap stereo head phone output left and right channles (sgtl500 only)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-27
So far only tested with efusA9r2-V3-WEC7
0004525: [AIN] Add registry value to set num samples using for average calculation
0005356: [FCR] Use random sector after boot
0005429: [Display] Add support for inverted LCD voltage
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-05-05
So far only tested with armStoneA9r2-V4.3-W13
0005294: [NI2C] I2C3: does not work on efusA9r2
0005345: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add support for invert RX, TX signals
0005343: [SD/MMC] Adjust drive strength via Registry
0005344: [Ethernet] Set signals MDC/MDIO to LOW when no data is transferred.
0004823: [Serial Driver/Interface] Increase precision of baud rate for values smaller than 9600 baud
0003477: [SD/MMC] eMMC is not recognized
6 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-03
So far only tested with efusA9r2-V3-W13, armStoneA9-V2.3I-W13
0005075: [CEDDK] Add/correct efus IO table for pins 167, 169.
0005272: [Ethernet] efusA9r2: Add support
0005277: [Ethernet] Add support for Realtek phy RTL8211F
0003245: [Kernel] C2013: Add all updates up to Windows Embedded Compact 2013 - March 2021
0004816: [CEDDK] Pin 59 is not configurable as IRQ
0004755: [PWM] Add support for PWM1,2 on efusA9
0002778: [Ethernet] Add possibility to limit transfer speed to 100MBit
0004679: [FCR] Problems with USB stick stops booting process
0004610: [NAND-FMD] Improve ECC error handling
0004058: [Serial Driver/Interface] UARTIntf driver for NetDCUA9 may hang
0004626: [RTC] Adding a mechanism for monitoring the 3V battery
0004574: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add Registry for adjust read/write chip select assertion/negation (UART interfaces connected via EIM only)
0004560: [CEDDK] Add/correct efus IO table for pins 161, 183, 187, 191
0004590: [Display] Add support for RGB standard display (SVGA, XGA)
0004563: [Kernel] Daylight saving time may jumping ahead one hour after each reboot
0004553: [Audio] WEC13 Audio does not work: EFA9 ASA9 ASA9R2 PMA9
0004554: [FSMinShell] Save of HKLM is done after each reboot
0004491: [General] Add Windows Embedded Compact 7 updates up to 2019M12 (Update74)
0004527: [Matrix keyboard] Wrong scancodes received a reboot is required for resolution
19 issues View Issues
Released 2020-09-29
Only tested with NetDCUA9.
0004366: [Touch driver] Add support for FT5426
0004371: [Touch driver] EXC8X sometimes an up event is missed
0004386: [Touch driver] Add support for TSC2004
0004349: [Touch driver] Add support for EXC8X with 16 bit resolution
0004325: [Display] Option to enable spread spectrum for RGB interface
5 issues View Issues
Released 2020-04-30
0004229: [PWM] Add default Registry settings for NetDCUA9
0004273: [Kernel] Fit kernel to C7E runtime license (remove some catalog items)
0004274: [Kernel] Add Unicode Script Processor for Complex Scripts (SYSGEN_UNISCRIBE) WEC7 only
0004191: [FSBUS] Add FSBus driver for NetDCUA9
0004192: [FSBUS] Add Registry for adjust read/write chip select assertion/negation
5 issues View Issues
Released 2019-11-12
0003988: [Touch driver] Add support for common ILITEK touch modules using protocol V3.X data format
0004827: [Serial Driver/Interface] UARTIntf driver hangs up if no adapter is plugged in
0003153: [RTC] Improve timer functions to avoid corrupted values
0004062: [Touch driver] SX865x may not work after touch down while boot process
0003355: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add UARTIntf driver for NetDCUA9
0003354: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add parinft driver for NetDCUA9
0003877: [Touch driver] SX865X: check if a chip reset by ESD occured
0003920: [PARINTF Driver] Driver works not at the same time with matrix keyboard
0003928: [AIN] Improve performance. Sampling an adc channel sometimes takes ~1 sec.
0003896: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add registry for UART2 (QBlissA9r2 only)
0003895: [Serial Driver/Interface] Debug port is not useable from OS (QBlissA9r2 only)
0003846: [Touch driver] Add support for EETI Multi-Touch EXC80H/EXC82H
0003806: [DIO] Wait for interrupt returns immediately (seems refer to IOPin7 on NetDCUA9 only)
0003559: [CAN] Received frames with RTR bit are not recognized
0003541: [Display] Using boot screen backlight brightness is not adjustable via I2C
15 issues View Issues
Released 2018-11-08
0003312: [Audio] Add support for VT1613 on QBlissA9R2
0003473: [F3S] In special case filesystem tries to write data to wrong partition
0003516: [F3S] F3S doesn't work (WEC2013 only)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2018-09-26
F3S not working
0003467: [PARINTF Driver] SYSGEN_BSP_FS_PARINTF not set
0003172: [Timer driver] Improve timer driver
0003327: [Serial Driver/Interface] CTS is not properly detected
0002890: [Serial Driver/Interface] RTS/CTS does not work.
0003413: [Touch driver] Add support for multi-touch HY461x
0003396: [Display] DEN signal is not working (NetDCUA9 only)
0002881: [NAND-FMD] Write failure will not be handled
0003372: [USB host] USB Full Speed devices do not work
0003348: [Touch driver] NetDCU9: Touch is not working anymore
0003346: [CAN] NetDCUA9: CID1 and CID2 are inverted contrary previous NetDCUX version
0003053: [CAN] While only read messages interrupt may be missed
0003339: [HDMI] Some resolutions are not working if boot screen is activated.
0003321: [AIN] Add support for AIN (NetDCUA9 only)
0003316: [FSMinShell] Background bitmap can't be loaded (WEC2013 only)
0003313: [CEDDK] Correct IO table for QBlissA9r2
0003303: [Touch driver] Touch WM9715 react sometimes very slow (NetDCUA9 only).
0003304: [NAND-FMD] Deactivation of FCR doesn't work correctly.
0003302: [General] Add support for QBlissA9r2
0003295: [Touch driver] Add support for cap. touch controller SiS9255
0003299: [Touch driver] Add support for cap. touch controller EXT3000
0003298: [NI2C] Setting values of drive strength and pull up doesn't work
0003294: [NI2C] Bus toggle doesn't work correctly if it is lock up
22 issues View Issues
Released 2017-08-01
0003279: [Display] Command XDI shows flicker between bootloader and WinCE
0003259: [Display] Bootscreen is not working in some situations
0003260: [Tool/Utility] NDCUCFG: Add support for version V68
0003278: [Audio] Prefetch-Abort in case audio codec is not soldered
4 issues View Issues
Released 2017-05-29
0003219: [Kernel] Reboot via "ndcucfg" does not work
0003106: [PCIexpress] Add support for PCIe bus
0002817: [USB host] USB keyboard does not work after reset on armStoneA9r2
0003101: [USB host] At fast plug in some USB devices may not recognized
0002931: [Ethernet] No communication on 10MBit with Autonegotiation
0003226: [Display] RGB: Mode 6 and 19 shows some wrong colors in vertical direction (DriveStrength to low)
0003225: [Display] Add 24BPP output width for DRGB interface
0003044: [Display] Background color of buttons don't work
0003224: [OAL] Baudrate settings from nboot are not used, always set to 115200
0003055: [USB host] USB host stop working after several hours of operation
0002841: [USB host] After unplug and plug in a USB Device after several hours of operation the device may not recognized any more
0002632: [NSPI] Implement default registry for use of second chip select (efusA9 only)
0002992: [General] Add support for NetDCUA9
0002895: [Kernel] Starting client special program, after running several hours, it came some exceptions.
0003156: [Bluetooth] Add bluetooth support for Marvel SDIO8787
0002842: [Kernel] Add support for video acceleration (WEC7 only)
0003182: [Ethernet] Improve UDP/TCP communication functionality
0003177: [ETHMAN] ETHMAN hangs when no shell is registered
0003176: [FSMinShell] ETHMAN doesn't start because of missing shell API registration
0003045: [General] Compact 2013: Mouse moves to 0/0 when dialog is closed
0003154: [Touch driver] Add support for mTouch AR1100 Resistive Touch Screen Controller (WEC7 only)
0003125: [NAND-FMD] Add basic support for background scan of stored data
0003124: [NAND-FMD] Improve read/write access
23 issues View Issues
Released 2016-12-07
0003074: [NI2C] Repeated start does not work
0003040: [NI2C] Sometimes occurs an exception while boot process
0002818: [WLAN] WEC2013: Network config dialog doesn't pop-up
0003112: [General] Add Windows Embedded Compact 2013 updates up to 2016M10
0003111: [General] Add Windows Embedded Compact 7 updates up to 2016M09
0003109: [F3S] Improve file search
0002981: [Display] While using bootscreen feature display is some milli seconds dark between EBoot and Kernel
0003051: [Display] Show/hide mouse cursor when USB mouse is available/unavailable
0003050: [Kernel] Write PSD from OS overwrites WCE MAC
0002630: [Audio] Fixed value for lineout volume on SGTL5000
0003039: [Touch driver] Registry value SampleRate isn't used (only SX865x)
0003023: [Touch driver] Add pen release irq handling in trigger mode (only SX865x)
0003018: [Touch driver] Add registry value to change pen detection pull-up (only SX865x)
0003030: [Touch driver] Add registry values to change min, max pressure bounds (only SX865x)
0003025: [Kernel] Add Kernel-IOControl to read current kernel checksum
0003026: [Touch driver] Touch_EDT_FT5606 does not work anymore
0003017: [WLAN] armStoneA9r2; All access points are dropped if one AP sends invalid data
0002983: [Serial Driver/Interface] Remove and handle debug output "Warning : BaudRate (<Baudrate>)" which occur for baudrates > 256kB
18 issues View Issues
Released 2016-07-07
0002985: [Touch driver] Rework coordinate sampling routine
0002984: [Touch driver] SX865x Touch Driver may send multiple down-up events while one stylus down-up cycle
0002978: [Display] Add support for inverted backlight voltage
0002966: [NSPI] IOCTL_NSPI_WAITIRQ_XXX are not implemented
0002958: [F3S] Maximum size of a F3S partition is restricted to 128MB
0002957: [F3S] Files with size greater 32MB can't be written
0002956: [F3S] Debug message comes by writing files
0002955: [F3S] Improve file search
0002533: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add RS485 support
0002943: [Serial Driver/Interface] RS485 could lose data in receive
0002935: [NI2C] efusA9: I2C_B_IRQ is configured as output
       0002936: [Display] Driver configures I2C_B_IRQ (efusA9) or IRQ of AD controller (armStoneA9) as output
0002902: [OAL] Can't write bootscreen bmp with ndcucfg
0002932: [Serial Driver/Interface] Serial debug message doesn't show active key
0002918: [Tool/Utility] WEC2013: Add control panel app for storage manager
0002917: [WLAN] armStoneA9R2: PCB rev 1.10 needs change for pin reset
0002772: [USB device] Virtual COM over USB generates errors
17 issues View Issues
Released 2016-03-02
0002800: [Kernel] Small memory leak detected (12kB/h, veryfied under WEC2013)
0002840: [Ethernet] The second ethernet-interface(SMSC95001) can not be used as debug-interface.
0002626: [Kernel] Add language packs. At the time only "en-US" is available.
0002876: [General] C2013: Add all updates until M12_2015 (Update 26)
0002336: [USB host] Add SYSGEN_USB_SER
0002787: [Kernel] Add netlog utility to log network traffic.
0002882: [USB host] USBSER.Dll: .NET CF ApplyDCB() not working
       0002886: [Serial Driver/Interface] COM_MDD2: .NET CF ApplyDCB() not working
0002875: [General] Modem: Add support for uBlox Topy-L2
0002874: [Tool/Utility] NDCUCFG: Add support for version V64
0002877: [General] C7: Add all updates until M12_2015 (Update 54)
0002871: [HDMI] efusA9: Can't read EDID information from connected monitor
12 issues View Issues
Released 2016-02-26
0002851: [Timer driver] Free resources while deinitialize the driver
0002613: [Touch driver] Set default registry for Touch_EDT_FTxxxx to practical values (EFUSA9 only)
0002635: [Display] Default display mode for QBlissA9 is uncorrect.
0002667: [HDMI] HDMI does not work (QBlissA9 only)
0002744: [USB device] Mass storage does not work
0002801: [Tool/Utility] Update ndcucfg to V62
0002839: [Timer driver] Implement IO control for adjust the timer without reset
0002838: [Timer driver] Some timer events are missed at the beginning of the event cycle
0002799: [Serial Driver/Interface] Activate DMA transfer
9 issues View Issues
Released 2015-12-15
0002738: [Tool/Utility] Add SIP (software input panel) for large screens (Embedded Compact 7 only)
0002453: [Display] Add support for commands "backlight on" and "backlight off" in display driver
0002598: [Display] Implement alphablending
0002784: [SD/MMC] Already insert card are not detected after software reset or reset over reset button
0002793: [Display] adjust solution for video memory allocation in kernel
0002797: [Kernel] Sporadic reboot by WDOG
0002798: [Display] Kernel V1.60 can not startup with ebootV100
0002802: [Display] Default LCD does not work (armStoneA9)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2015-11-27
0002476: [SD/MMC] ASA9: MicroSDCard doesn't detect automatically
0002436: [Display] VSync and HSync default setting should active high
0002437: [Display] Display "DE" Signal does not work correctly
0002452: [Display] Command "display power on" does not work.
0002757: [NSPI] Add support for armStoneA9R2
0002788: [NI2C] Function I2CBusCheck and ClkToggleNumber not working
0002785: [SD/MMC] QBlissA9: µSD card is always write protected
0002774: [PWM] Add support for armStoneA9R2
0002773: [Ethernet] Phy reset not working.
9 issues View Issues
Released 2015-10-16
0002762: [eMMC] Add support for 8bit data width
0002945: [EtherCAT] Add support for EtherCAT
0005430: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add support for invert RX, TX signals
0002346: [Kernel] Implementation of variable clock frequency
0002646: [Display] Setting the value of drive strength does not work
0002741: [General] Add support for armStoneA9R2
0002765: [Kernel] remain memory layout of kernel compatile with previously released versions
0002747: [Ethernet] Ethernet does not work at cold startup (picoMODA9)
0002728: [OAL] add support scaling ARM core frequency dynamically
0002662: [Kernel] Add support for more then 512MB RAM
0002645: [CEDDK] Implement function to adjust "Drive Strength"
0002396: [Display] Display rotate does not work correct if use NEON
0002755: [Serial Driver/Interface] Add support for armStoneA9R2
0002748: [SD/MMC] Add support for armStoneA9R2
0002763: [SMTP Client] Set time offset for current time zone in header to get correct time
0002661: [Audio] efusA9 - Quad: Audio not working
0002745: [Ethernet] add support for LAN9500A
0002750: [DIO] Some IO pins not accessable from DIO driver (PMA9 HW1.10 only)
0002756: [CEDDK] New function CEDDK_GetBoardName() to retrieve board name
0002754: [SD/MMC] QBlissA9 - Quad: µSD slot not working
0002753: [SD/MMC] efusA9 - Quad: SD_B (SINTF: SD slot) not working
0002746: [Display] Customer special program can not be shown in kernel v1.50
0002739: [AIN] On neagtiv measured value it returns wrong skaled positiv data
23 issues View Issues
Released 2015-09-04
0002590: [eMMC] Improve IO performance
0002622: [SD/MMC] MicroSDCard are not accessible after reboot over reset button
0002497: [Display] GCHAL driver outputs some unneeded messages on serial debug line.
0002458: [Kernel] Add support to read the CPU temperature
0002729: [AIN] SetFilePointer for switching channel does not work.
0002726: [DIO] IRQCfg=0 or IRQCfg=4 doesn't disable interrupt. It works like low level IRQ.
0002725: [General] C2013E: Add checkautostart.exe
0002710: [Kernel] QBlissA9 Data Abort at startup
0002669: [Audio] PicoMODA9 - implement audio driver (useable for >= HW1.10)
0002663: [Serial Driver/Interface] UART3 (COM3:) does not work (ASA9 only)
0002565: [Serial Driver/Interface] armStoneA9: COM3: doesn't work
0002432: [SD/MMC] Internal SD Card is not recognized (PMA9 only)
0002657: [Kernel] Add interface to read bootloaders
0002660: [FS Firmware] Allocated memory is not released
0002659: [Kernel] Improve error handling while read CPU temprature
0002656: [Kernel] Add interface to write bootloaders
0002642: [NSPI] Provide setting for adjust delay between command- and data bytes
0002652: [NSPI] SPI2(SPIA) doesn't work
0002644: [Kernel] C2013: Add component "Daylight Saving"
0002616: [NSPI] Chip select does toggel within one SPI transfer (PM9 only)
0002634: [NSPI] SPI Mode 2, 3 does not work and leads to unrecoverable misbehaviour
0002621: [NSPI] Implement IRQ Mode
0002627: [NSPI] SPI clock could not adjusted via registry
0002602: [NSPI] Write/Read more than four bytes cause driver crash
0002597: [NSPI] WriteFile transfers always multiple of four bytes
0002608: [General] CE2013: Batch files (.bat/.cmd) in folder StartUp are not working
       0002609: [General] CE2013: Files in folder StartUp are not started by default.
0002596: [NSPI] Clk and Mosi pins show no activity (ASA9 only (?))
0002553: [Kernel] C2013: Controlpanel item "Network and Dial-Up Connectors" is not working
29 issues View Issues
Released 2015-03-27
Includes all Microsoft Updates until Feb 2015
Needs new SDK and BSP to get XAML running!!
0002390: [NI2C] Problems with new display adapter (aSt-ADP-JHD1) and NI2C interface.
0002578: [PWM] Initial duty cycle setting via registry is not implemented
0002582: [Display] Update GPU libraries from VIVANTE
0002583: [Kernel] C7E: Add Update 44 (February 2015)
0002528: [Display] (PicoMODA9) The startup value for display contrast is not correct.
0002581: [Display] Contrast voltage can't be changed
0002579: [Touch driver] QBlissA9: Adding SX865x touch driver
7 issues View Issues
Released 2015-03-16
0004055: [Touch driver] SX865X: check if a chip reset by ESD occured
0002527: [Tool/Utility] Add a i.MX6 item to PSD-Editor
0002575: [OAL] Add new cache driver for i.MX6
0002560: [Kernel] Pixel failures with activated 2D acceleration
0002559: [General] CEPlayer can't play video with AccelLevel 1
0002561: [Kernel] WEC7: Video has horinzontal stripes (software accelerated)
0002563: [CAN] CAN driver sends always message with ID=0 while initialisation
0002577: [SPI] armStoneA9: Wrong pin number for SPI CS
0002573: [DIO] Interrupt configuration for IO-Pin20 is impossible(ASA9)
0002564: [Serial Driver/Interface] ASA9: Incorrect registry values for COM2:, RX doesn't work
0002532: [Kernel] C7E Add software accelerated video support
0002546: [Touch driver] Wrong IRQ and Reset IO pins for MX224 controller (efusA9 only)
0002547: [Kernel] C7E: Add all updates until M01_2015
13 issues View Issues
Released 2015-03-02
Same as V1.10 but support for SMP added.
0002536: [General] Add support for MultiCore (V1.10 is only for iMX 6Solo)
0002548: [NAND-FMD] Add support for 8GBit nand flash from Spansion
0002540: [Matrix keyboard] WEC7: Add registry values for MATRIX keyboard driver by default.
0002539: [DIO] WEC7: Add registry values of DIO driver by default.
4 issues View Issues
Released 2015-02-10
Only for iMX6 Solo. No support for Dual or QUad.
0002534: [Kernel] Reorganized usage of internal SRAM
0002099: [OAL] Add support for F&S OAL IOCTL extensions to get all ndcucfg functionality working.
0002498: [Ethernet] ENET Link takes very long
0002530: [Display] In Verbose mode: Output display settings to serial debug line
0002529: [Display] WEC2013: Update GPU binaries to version 09/2014
0002524: [NI2C] ASA9: I2C1 Registry settings are missing
0002461: [DIO] Voltage drop under ohmic load
0002525: [Kernel] Output reason for Restart on serial debug line and store value in registry.
0002502: [Kernel] Make PicoMODA9 serial line assignment compatibel to previous PicoMODs
0002460: [Touch driver] sx865 touch send debug message "Invalid message - skipping"
0001776: [Kernel] EC7: Enable exFAT support
0002496: [CAN] CAN driver outputs some unneeded message on serial debug line.
0002503: [Tool/Utility] PicoMODA9: redirect serial instance of NDCUCfg to COM1
13 issues View Issues
Released 2015-02-02
Add support for new NBOOT
Add support for refresh strategy
Add support for F3S
0002474: [DIO] efusA9: Mapping of IO pin to connector is incorrect
0002542: [Display] Change RenderPlugin from OpenGL to DDraw because of performance problems.
0002473: [Kernel] C2013: Add all updates until M12_2014
0002279: [Touch driver] Add registry values for adjust touch sensitivity to EDT touch driver
0002472: [Ethernet] PicoMODA9 KITL does not work
0002388: [Kernel] Set correct Platform name
0002500: [NI2C] Slave devices can hang the bus by holding SDA low
0002434: [NAND-FMD] Add support for new nand flash driver (with swap strategy)
0002468: [Ethernet] Babling TX Error
0002486: [NAND-FMD] Add support for updating EBoot and EBoot from EBoot or Windows image
0002454: [F3S] Adapt F3S to F&S iMX6 platform
0002493: [Tool/Utility] Update to NDUCCFG V58 to run on correct COM port
0002477: [CAN] Add registry settings for CAN interface(s)
0002469: [DIO] IRQ configuration is incorrect (level/edge)
0002479: [OAL] Interrupt done function doesn't clear status of GPIO IRQ's
0002223: [NAND-FMD] add swap block strategy for nand flash
0002439: [General] Add support for new NBOOT
0002273: [Kernel] W2013 for Solo and Dual light
0002438: [NAND-FMD] Add support for flash swap strategy
0002440: [DIO] Cannot read from an IO which is confugured as output
20 issues View Issues
Released 2014-11-20
0002269: [OAL] Add support for DualLite CPU
0002337: [USB host] Enable catalog options for USB Bluetooth support.
0002379: [Display] Vivante 2D Accelerator does not work
0002339: [Tool/Utility] Implement Checkautostart
0002370: [Tool/Utility] add tool HDMICfg
0002421: [Kernel] One kernel image for various iMX6 CPUs
0002423: [HDMI] On the left side of monitor, there is always a pink stripe.
0002398: [CAN] Remove debug output in case of ERROR_TIMEOUT from IOCTLs.
0002395: [Display] Can't set display clock lower than 20MHz
0002393: [Display] Use ARM NEON extension for 2D software acceleration.
0002392: [Touch driver] Exception is thrown if you tip the touch at the edge of the display.
0002237: [USB device] Virtual COM over USB generates error
0002384: [Display] Add support for backlight control
0002381: [Display] PicoMODA9 RGB lcd interface does not work in combination with old start interface board.
0002369: [Tool/Utility] add support for KernelUpdate
0002368: [AIN] add support for Analog input
0002366: [DIO] same pad values for IO Pin75 and IO Pin76 (efusA9 only)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2014-09-22
0001687: [CAN] Add support for CAN interface
0002268: [Display] Add support for display driver so customer can set mode and poalrity of signals HSync, VHSync, DCLK and DE
0001685: [Audio] Add support for Audio
0002341: [Kernel] WEC2013: .Net program doesn't start on each startup
0001914: [Audio] Add support for AUDIO
0002326: [RTC] Add Support for RTC
0002298: [NSPI] Add NSPI driver
0002331: [Display] Implement Direct Draw
0001975: [CAN] Add F&S CAN support
0002266: [CAN] message transmition in extended mode isn't working correctly
10 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-11
0002074: [Touch driver] Add support for PCAP touch controller ATMEL mXT224E
0002211: [Tool/Utility] Add virtual keyboard
0002283: [Display] Digital RGB display context shifted
0002284: [I2C] I2C3 doesn't work correctly
0001915: [SD/MMC] After warm reset SD-Card can't be accessed,
0002225: [DIO] add support dio table for EFUSA9
6 issues View Issues
Released 2014-04-15
0002224: [General] add support for imx6 Solo/DualLite
0002227: [Display] ETM070001ADH6 RGB LCD show something wrong with color
0002226: [Touch driver] add support for touch mxt224, sx865x, ft5406, ft5606
3 issues View Issues
Released 2014-02-11
0001964: [PWM] add support for PWM
0002228: [Display] add support for more display device
2 issues View Issues
Released 2014-01-13
0001911: [OAL] add support for OAL
0001913: [RTC] Add support for external RTC
0001976: [NSPI] Add F&S NSPI support
0002093: [Touch driver] MXT224 dosn't work correctly with NI2C.
4 issues View Issues
Released 2013-12-04
0001948: [NI2C] Add F&S NI2C support
0001974: [DIO] Add F&S DigitalIO support
0001910: [WDT] add support for Watchdog
0001912: [Display] add support for OpenGL and OpenVG
0001955: [Display] GPU3d driver crashed in ArmStoneA9.
5 issues View Issues
Released 2013-10-10
0001905: [Tool/Utility] Add support for BSP generation
0001897: [DIO] Add support for F&S DIO driver
0001898: [NAND-FMD] Add Support for NAND-FMD
0001899: [BusEnum2] Add Support for BusEnum2
0001900: [Touch driver] Add support for Touch Driver MXT224
0001901: [I2C] Add support for NI2C
0001902: [General] Add support for ActiveSync
0001903: [Kernel] Add support for XIP Image
8 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-29
0001679: [USB host] Add support for USB Host
0001680: [Display] add support for LVDS
0001681: [Display] add support for HDMI
0001682: [I2C] add support I2C
0001683: [SD/MMC] Add support for SD Host
0001684: [Serial Driver/Interface] add support for serial interface
0001678: [USB device] Add support for USB device
0001629: [Ethernet] Add basic Ethernet support
8 issues View Issues