Scheduled For Release 2015-07-17
0001748: [NI2C] Rare I2C timeouts on Samsung IIC
0001534: [I2C] Only one instance of (software) I2C driver possible yet.
0001356: [Kernel] Kernel access to BINFS-Partition broken
0001131: [Kernel] Add SSHD Server
0001267: [USB host] Increase PhysicalPageSize default value
0001245: [Tool/Utility] Add NDCUCFG Version V053
0000905: [Kernel] Add XML-HTTP support in Pro kernel variant.
0000900: [USB host] Add custom USB-HID driver version that is able to operate with absolut positioning, which is required for USB-touch modules.
0000860: [NAND-FMD] FAL ignores Read-Only flag, therefore writing access to MBR block must be rejected in partition driver already.
0000829: [Display] Mouse cursor is not visible (refers only ProKernel)
0000825: [CEDDK] Improve hardware register access in CEDDK library
0000810: [CEDDK] Improve hardware register access in CEDDK library
0000748: [Display] Remove blank screen in case of activated bootscreen
0000744: [Display] Unify default display modes in Bootloader and Windows CE kernel
0000742: [Display] Remove fading contrast voltage power on sequence.
0000733: [Serial Driver/Interface] Sometime it's not possible to open COM3: after boot.
0000718: [Display] DDraw surface flipping causes display flickering
0000589: [Display] Contrast value not set correctly after returning from "backlight off" mode.
0000415: [Ethernet] Second Ethernet controler does not work.
0000532: [CAN] OS does not boot if CAN chip is not present
0001001: [Display] Hardware acceleration levels using "CachedBlt" may display brocken bitmaps
0001049: [Serial Driver/Interface] Increase the default priority of serial drivers.
0002232: [Touch driver] Implement resistor between touch films into the touch evaluation algorithm
0001769: [Kernel] Implement IO-Control to update MAC address
0001512: [SD/MMC] External SD Card may not detected after warm reboot
0001398: [Tool/Utility] Add NDCUCFG Version V054
0000672: [Display] Use common lcd library which features generic method to modify power on sequencing.
0001770: [Kernel] Add IOControls for read/write Windows CE MAC address
0000699: [Kernel] IOCTL_HAL_WRITE_BOOTINFO overwrites MAC address.
0001063: [Tool/Utility] Add NDCUCFG version V050 which is based on separate ndcucfg_lib.
3 of 30 issue(s) resolved. Progress (10%). View Issues