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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000860PicoMOD6NAND-FMDpublic2012-07-17 15:35
ReporterKiepferAssigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product VersionV1.11 
Target VersionV1.13 
Summary0000860: FAL ignores Read-Only flag, therefore writing access to MBR block must be rejected in partition driver already.
DescriptionWhen calling FormatPartition() function, it might be possible that MBR will be overwritten. This leads into problems with Garbage Collector and Bootpart and therefor should be rejected by the parition driver.
Additional InformationBootpart expects the MBR to be located at the first usable physical sector.

There is a bug in garbage collector that causes a system hanging situation. If the MBR sector has been invalidated and the GC tries to collect this block, GC process will fail as GC thread detect that this block is read-only *AFTER* he already has selected this block. As this block is marked read-only it should not be possible to invalidate this sector anyway.
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