Scheduled For Release 2099-12-31
0002111: [Audio] Audio interface not adjustable via Registry (ND9.2 only)
0000127: [Tool/Utility] Feature NTLM-Authentification is not implemented
0000410: [I2C] I2C fails if accessed from different threads
0000484: [Touch driver] TouchPanelPowerHandler(TRUE) does not work
0000643: [Audio] LineInVolLeft/Right is not adjustable via registry
0000864: [NAND-FMD] FAL ignores Read-Only flag, therefore writing access to MBR block must be rejected in partition driver already.
0000939: [Serial Driver/Interface] Serial driver may hang while receive data before call "CreateFile"
0001046: [Serial Driver/Interface] Increase the default priority of serial drivers.
0001354: [Kernel] Kernel access to BINFS-Partition broken
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