Scheduled For Release 2024-12-31
0006364: [Ethernet] Add Registry value to adjust RX and TX ring buffer size
0006099: [Kernel] Writing PSD or Bootloader may fail
0003057: [Display] Dual channel lvds display does not work.
0003439: [USB device] USB device connection works as power supply (NetDCUA9 only)
0003426: [CAN] BUS_OFF detection is lazy and happens only one time
0004766: [CEDDK] Pin configured as input will be reconfigured as output while write to the pin
0005300: [NI2C] NI2C1 does not work for armStoneA9
0002554: [Ethernet] Gigabit Ethernet is to slow
0004178: [Audio] Audio recording doesn´t work
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