Released 2013-09-12
0001849: [Touch driver] Include resistor between both touch films into the sample algorithm
0001831: [General] IOCTL_TIMER_DESTROY blocking in some rare situations
0001827: [USB host] Connected USB devices are not detected reliable if device is already pluged in during boot
0001826: [General] Platform name not present in Regsitry under HKLM\Platform
0001825: [Display] When using bootlogo screen is blank for a short time during bootup (although XDI->N)
0001729: [SPI] SPI receive data always is 0xFF
0001632: [Audio] Unmute master volume by default
0001669: [SPI] Implement software SPI driver.
0001665: [Kernel] Adapt Shell Folder einvironment variables compatibel to PicoCOM2
0001666: [DIO] DIO_REQUEST_IRQ should not fail even when the IRQ has already been initialized to be compatible to PicoCOM2
0001673: [DIO] Change unit of regsitry value "SoftIRQRate" to us (was ms)
11 issues View Issues