Released 2010-09-06
0000343: [Display] Display rotation causes errors in data content (2D control setttings)
0000372: [CAN] CAN driver may hang while booting
0000284: [DIO] DIO doesn't support interrupts
0000287: [DIO] Return value of "IOCTL_DIO_SET_PIN" is always zero
0000286: [DIO] Impelmentation of digital io driver 2.x.
0000401: [NI2C] Native I2C driver (NI2C) is missing in standard image.
0000366: [Kernel] COleDateTime does not work correct
0000274: [General] After several reboots PicoMOD hangs in NBoot then ist does not boot anymore
0000400: [Kernel] integer to float cast are rounded to the nearest value.
0000279: [General] FSMixer throws an exception when a mixer control is selected and the windows will be rezised
0000361: [Tool/Utility] Update to latest ndcucfg version (V42). "write boot" command re-imlemented and some additional commands have been added.
0000393: [Audio] Audio interface stop working after several cycles.
0000342: [Display] PWM for contrast voltage runs with 40HZ
13 issues View Issues