View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005317UBootU-Bootpublic2022-04-14 14:47
Reportergerbach Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Versionfsimx6ul-B2022.04 
Target Versionfsimx6ul-B2022.04 
Summary0005317: gcc-9: silence 'address-of-packed-member' warning
DescriptionGCC 9.x starts complaining about potential misalignment of the pointer
to the array (in this case alignment=2) in the packed (alignment=1)

Repeating Linus' Torvalds commit 6f303d60534c in the Linux kernel.

Based on U-Boot(master) commit-id:
- 53dc8ae66c5ca8dac65bd6f51c0cbb8b0d22aa2a
Forum Link



2022-04-14 14:47

developer   ~0004084

Git commit: 11f8a59e11c76495bb09ec0a4a13be1c3d99a850