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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006633efusMX93_HWAudiopublic2025-02-19 14:52
Reportergerbach Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.00 
Target Version1.10 
Summary0006633: I2S_TXD_1V8 and I2S_RXD_1V8 are swaped for the EFUS-SINTF
DescriptionPin 126 on the EFUS-SINTF is connected to the SGTL500 I2S_DIN and to I2S_RXD_1V8 on the efusmx93
Pin 126 on the EFUS-SINTF is connected to the SGTL500 I2S_DOUT and to I2S_TXD_1V8 on the efusmx93.

It should be the other way around.


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