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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006611efusMX93_HWEthernetpublic2025-02-25 13:28
Reportergerbach Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.00 
Target Version1.10 
Summary0006611: Make ENET1 and ENET2 independent
DescriptionENET2 needs a configured and running ENET1 to work.
ENET2 gets its XTALO clock from the CLKOUT of ENET1.
CLKOUT is by default 125 MHz so ENET1 has to be configured to 25MHz befor the ENET2 driver can be loaded.

Also ENET1 cannot use ALDPS to save energy if no ethernet cable is connected and cannot be disabled by ifconfig down eth0 or else ENET1 will stop working.

Use independent clock source for ENET2.

Keep clock source of ENET1 with an quartz oscillator
Change clock source of ENET2 to an CCM_CLK pin of the CPU (Wake on LAN is not possible for ENET2)


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