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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000046EBootEBootpublic2009-07-22 07:48
Reporterfroelich Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Summary0000046: Enable/Disable Hardware Watchdog from Bootloader Menue
DescriptionCurrently there is no possibility to enable/disable hwardware watchdog.
In most platforms, hardware watchdog will be enabled during initialization of timer. So we have a uncontrolled period between power on and initialization of timer in kernel.
Next problem happens when we want to debug a module with a release image. In this case hardware watchdog in enabled and uncontrolled reboots hardware.
So an idea is to disable hardware watchdog when we download an image.
- Move initialization of harwdare watchdog to bootloader
- Add menue command to enable/disable watchdog
- Output warning message when watchdog is enabled and we download an image.
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2009-07-02 13:19

administrator   ~0000047

Good and esay solution (implemented in PicoMOD4):
- Move initialization of harwdare watchdog to EBOOT
- Disable Watchdog in all cases except image is loaded from FLASH to RAM
- In WINCE: Only initialize (change interval...) watchdog if it is already enabled.